Saturday, 20 December 2008

A Familiar Name

I'm dyindg for a pint so decide to find somewhere to wet my whistle. I don't have too much time left as I have promised to meet up with friends in Oxford. Luckily one of my skills is marathon running so it dosen't take me long to cover a few miles. I'm heading towards Faringdon Rd where I hear there's a brilliant pie & mash shop. I dash down The Strand towards Clerkenwell.

Everyone seems to be in such a hurry and no-one says 'Hello' or 'How are you' like they would in Abingdon. Suddenly by chance I come across a name that's very familar. Yipee! It's the Green Man.
This however wasn't a floating long boat!!! It's a pub, and I'm sure with a name that surpasses all others I'm bound to receive a friendly welcome. I don't suppose Rob will be propping up the bar or playing a 'gig? No one here recognises me but the bartender gives me a smile and a few friendly words. I down a pint of Directors before dashing off again & before long find the pie &
mash shop in Faringdon Rd.
I can't help but notice the floor which is covered in sawdust. If anyone knows I'd like to know the reason for this.
I sit for a while at the marble topped table enjoying jellied eels which I gather is an East London dish. Can't Adam & Eve it that I can get such a feast for under three quid. Perhaps I should quit Uni & start one up in Oxford???

Sunday, 23 November 2008

By Royal Appointment

Wow!I woke up this morning to find it has snowed. Not a lot of it thank goodness as I didn't like the feel of it on my paws. Never the less it did make everything look so pretty.
I've been spending time on my studies so haven't been in touch for a while, (excuses, excuses).
Don't be angry with me Mummy, when did you last write ????
I had a great time in London with my group. We went by tube to Old St, what a death defying experience that was, thought I'd been shot up the butt. There were so many people squeezed together I didn't have a chance to scratch! I wasn't at all keen on the way people were pressing against me. Think I'd rather chance some other form of getting around, heard people talk about Shanks pony but haven't seen it! Wonder where it's stabled?
After spending hours looking at endless finds in LAARC I decided to do a bit of sight seeing on my own. What better place to explore than Buckingham Palace? Unfortunately the guard at the gate wouldn't let me in, said something about 'appointment'. Didn't fancy the place anyway it looked cold & austere. Looked like there could be an army of mice in there but decided they could keep em I'd better things to do. Did I tell you Rentokil lost the royal warrant in 2008?

Next door to the palace is the Royal Mews, (the old royal stables) so I decided to take a peep,without paying. People were actually being searched, shoes off, pockets emptied and if a strange object was spotted on the xray machine it had to be explained. Umm could be embarrassing.
Approx. 30 Windsor Greys & Cleeveland Bays were in their stalls munching at hay, their butts facing the public. Nothing like a rear end view, quite expected to see a sign saying Prince Phillip's horse craps here!
I got to see 5 state coaches,one of which is the gold state coach, all are horse drawn and are used for royal occassions.
I'm feeling quite peckish so I'm off to find somewhere to eat.Maybe if I play my cards right I could be a royal rat catcher & in so doing display 'By Royal Appointment' !!

Friday, 21 November 2008

Off To The Capital

Hello Mummy, It's Me Misha
This weekend I'm going to London to visit LAARC (London Archaeology Archive And Research Centre) but you knew what that stood for Mummy didn't you? They house over 250.000 registered finds so there's bound to be something to interest me. Laaarc have appeared at Award Ceremonies, in Time Out and Time Team.
I will learn good archiving techniques & recording. Mine at present is dig em up & eat em!
I'm livin like a Lord in accomodation which I can only describe as lucullan. Beats being a water gypsy......sorry Mummy but look around your boat & it's not big enough to swing a cat around.....if you get my drift.*
*When I make it to the top I'll make sure we live in style.
Gotta go I'm busy busy, Have to make prep. for my visit to the capital.
Your lovin boy
Mish xx

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Dirty digging

Misha here mummy,

Did I tell you I'm doing an undergraduate course in archaeology & anthropolgy. Well I got myself to Oxford didn't I, with a bit of help from you.........& Gary.
Oxford is in the forefront of teaching & research so I've come to the right place. Clever boy!

I shall be doing 5 hours a week in lectures, tutorials etc. Maybe I'll be the teacher's pet? Do you know I'm such an intelligent cat....well I do have a brain the size of 2 peas. I shall learn by trial error & observation. I really look forward to going on a dig ( you know I'm a dirty boy at heart). I'll get the chance to do some excavation work & be part of a field survey team. See photo, I'm just syking myself up to get some practice in.
There are world class institutions here, which will help me with my studies. There are also well equipped labs- maybe I'll get to dissect a mouse or two! Lewsey showed me lots of times but it was all a bit yucky for me. That's why I brought you that mouse whole as I didn't think you'd like it so much with it's head off. I'm so thoughtful Mummy.
Well I'm off on the prowl now,
Your intelligent Misha

Friday, 14 November 2008

My Oxford Studies

Hello Mummy
It's not all fun & games here you know. As you can see I'm taking my life at Uni very seriously.
Most nights I've got my head in a book. Misha thinks times have changed since you were at Uni.
No one cares if I'm out all night. In fact my mates here stay out most nights, go on pub crawls. Any idea what this is Mummy, don't think you can know about it as you've never mentioned it to me??? Some of my friends come back all dishevelled & unkempt,makes me wonder where they've been....i daren't ask. You always tell me not to be so nosy, so best go with them some night & find out for myself. Will update you when I've tried it! Should I take my mobile with me incase of emergency.....what would you do I wonder.......I've got so much to learn.
All this study for a degree is so demanding so don't expect to hear from me too often. Of course I'll be in touch when the money runs out.
The meals are pretty good but I do miss the fish & chips. May have to wander down to the Isis to see what I can catch!
Will have to sign off now, so much studying to do
love Misha

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Still looking

Still looking to see if you've sent me an email Mummy. I 'm lovin this email malarky, such fun, I can hardly drag myself away. You see I don't even have to kill the mouse! You know I don't like getting my paws dirty.
It's amazing the weirdos I've uncovered since searching the www. Yep I'm quite getting the hang of it, in fact I've even done a bit of speed dating ( no luck with Lewsey so might as well try elsewhere). What a scream some of those pics are, they seem to like winking at me! I've just been winking back!!
Not many fireworks over here but it's such a beastly night there might be more tomorrow. Take care with your fireworks Mummy.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Looking for your email Mummy

Hello Mummy
Misha here. I've been looking you up on my emails but don't see anything from you. As you can see I'm just about to hit the return key...........maybe it will send me back to you.
I don't know much about pooters! I'm so busy on the internet looking up my furry friends, I'm hoping I might get an email from Lewsey. As you know I secretly luv her. Do you think she feels the same about me?????????? I wish she would email so I could tell her how I feel about her, you never told me about falling in love Mummy, perhaps you should have?
I've been out & about,in fact I'm more out than in. You'd never believe the amount of fresh air I'm getting. I'm really getting the hang of jumping over the back gate. When I first did it I couldn't get back in again as you know, but I'm no dumb cat, I'm too intelligent to stay on the wrong side of the fence.
I heard Phyl say to Arthur they are going to keep me in tonight as there's a really bad weather forcast. I'm exhausted with exploring outside so I'll just curl up & go to sleep.
Night night Mummy, keep the fire burning so you don't get cold. It won't be too long before I'll be back to keep you warm.
Your caring
Misha xxx

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


Hello Mummy
What a day. Phyl was at hospital again this morning so I decided to go out into the garden & explore. There was a huge black& white bird hopping around the garden so I decided to lay low& just keep watch.....I'm pretty good at this as you know.
It's quite overgrown in places so I can hide undetected. Exploring is so exhausting don't you know. Can be quite scary too with lots of noises over the other side of the fence. They have windmills in their garden which whirl around in the wind. I play with them, well I guess that's what they're there for. Such a lovely couple Phyl & Arthur, think of my every whim!
After playing with the windmills I sat on the patio till Phyl & Arthur returned. I was quite wet with hiding in the bushes & I looked rather deshevelled with leaves stuck in my fur. Phyl soon tidyed me up. I'm such a handsome lad when I look my best.
I tucked into some food & then slept awhile.
I was awoken with a mouse being dangled in front of me. Weird thing, moves across the floor rather jerkily before coming to a halt. It's not had much excercise as it's rather round & fat & has string coming out of it's bottom with a ring attached. Must be something they picked up from the vet.
I've decided it's time I got out a bit & explored the area. So after dinner tonight I've ventured out into the big wide world. Probably have a night out on the tiles. Do you know what I mean Mummy?
I'll let you know tomorrow how I fare.
From your adventurous boy
Misha xxx

Sunday, 2 November 2008

The Pampering Begins!

I think I' m getting the hang of things,I only have to miaaaaaaaawwooooooo & they come running. Sure getting plenty of know we boys need a lot!
This morning Arthur came down to find I'd dislodged the bottom of the cooker panel, he still hasn't worked out how I did it.
They turfed me out into the back garden today. I only stayed 2 mins. I was so frightened I asked to come in, but you know we boys are brave really??? Anyhow they left the patio door open for me so it was easy for me to sneak in. They lifted me up onto the windowsill so I could look out, bit frightening Mummy there was such a lot going on, cars moving startled me. Later in the afternoon I was put in the garden again. I hid under some bushes & the noise of an engine really frightened me. Mummy where were you when I needed you?
I dashed into the house, curled up & went to sleep for the rest of the day before having a late lunch.
It's now & I've asked to go out.
Well would you believe it I'm inside again and it's only 7.05!
Me thinks I'll explore more tomorrow.

Night night Mummy
your brave boy
Misha xxx

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Hi Mummy
Look Mummy shoe lace. I'm sat at the table waiting for the wine waiter to take my order. For starters I've got biscuits laced with duck.
Fish on the menu again tonite.Yipee!
Dessert comprises of mouse & mole...........that's if I catch em!
I've been a good boy so maybe I'll get to sit at top table again. Thanks for teaching me purrfect table manners Mummy. It's certainly paid off. I've got this dumb couple at my beck & call. Life can't be any better.....till I get back to you again.
They planned to put me out in the garden today but it started to rain so I was having none of it.
It's so cosy here I sleep most of the time. Getting exercise with my toys. Phyl & Arthur keep throwing things for me to play with & I keep pushing them under the sofa so they have to get up & move the furniture. I don't see why I should be the only one having exercise.
love you mummy mummy
Misha xxx

Friday, 31 October 2008

pics for Mum

Some pics for Mum
Hi Mum
Guess what I had for tea today ......REAL FISH. Phyl my foster mum was cooking fish pie so when the fish was cooked I got to get some. MMMMnnnnn yummy scrummy mummy! Purr purr!
When i get back to the marina me thinks I'll catch some fish so you can cook them for me.
They keep on about catching moles in the garden for thinks they'll have to starve me first.
Enjoying the holiday, send me a postcard sometime mummy
The love of your life
Misha xxxx

Thought you’d like to hear from me so here goes.
Now don’t worry about me , this foster home is o.k. really. I’m teaching this couple that cats rule. It’s gonna take sometime to teach them how to come to my beck & call but shouldn’t be a prob. Last night I got lots of cuddles, & today I’ve had a 5* breakfast.
I’ve gotta be good otherwise they won’t let me out. Just wait I’ll teach the cats in this neighbourhood a thing or two. Maybe find myself a girlfriend!!